Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Would Be Rapists Beware!

From an article out the UK in The Guardian today:

The myth of the vagina dentata - vagina with teeth - has proved strangely compelling down the centuries, but who would have thought it would become real? Later this month, South African women will be able to arm their vaginas with the Rapex device, a product priced at 1 rand (around 7p) and sold over the counter. Shaped like a female condom and worn internally, its hollow interior is lined with 25 razor-sharp teeth, which fasten on to an attacker's penis if he attempts penetration.

The article points out a few different potential outcomes from the future use of this device. The part of the article that kind of got my hackles up was:

The biggest problem though, is that it places the onus for stopping rape not on the perpetrators, but on women - entirely the wrong way around. It implies that rape is an inevitable part of human culture and that women need to adapt accordingly.

I am sorry, but if I think I am living in danger of something happening to me at the hands of another person, I am not going to wait for them to change their mind or figure out why they are wrong. Are you? I think I will adapt accordingly if you don't mind.

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