Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Ask Captain Dramatic

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I was completely at a loss for what to ask Captain Dramatic Today. I looked at Captain Dramatic and said, "Captain Dramatic, what should we ask you about this week?" It was a completely rhetorical questions. I got an answer none the less.

His reply, "POOP! You can ask me about poop!"

Have I mentioned that Captain Dramatic is an eight year old boy? If I haven't, it became obvious with this post. Does anyone know why are eight year old boys obsessed with bodily functions? I don't dare ask Captain Dramatic.

1 comment:

Ron Simpson said...

why are guy in their 20s and 30s still amuxed by bokily funciton jokes? i have no idea. my dad (50s) thinks websites devoted to fart noises is hilarious. cant take the boy outta the man.