Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Why I Vote

First of all, I am only registered with a party to vote in primaries. I have changed my registration once in my life time to realign myself with the candidates party that I am more in tune with. Despite my party affiliation, I always vote with the candidate I agree with most, not along party lines. Voting in this country has proven to be the picking of the lesser of the two evils. Voting is still very important none the less.

You want a great example of why? Harry Reid is a Democrat Representative from Nevada, and currently the majority leader of the house. He is also a person who I feel is completely inept, and only cares about advancing his own political agenda and career. Where is my proof? I found a quote from him today atABC News 7.

"We're going to pick up Senate seats as a result of this war."

He doesn't say anything else about what we are trying to accomplish in the war on terror. He doesn't say anything about the men and women that we have lost and what their sacrifices mean. He doesn't care. Do you care how many senate seats the Democrats pick up? I don't. I care about the men and women who are fighting the good fight.

I have held my current opinion of the current liberal democrats for some time. I have watched Reid and others fight to get America out of Iraq. I have never once felt as if they cared about anything more than their own advancement. They aren't fighting the good fight. They are fighting to line their own pockets, the pockets of their friends, and for their own political advancement. If you disagree, you can refer to all the pork they wrote into the most recent war spending bill. The short list of pork in that bill can be found here. Hell, I am not even sure they are playing on the same team anymore. When I listen to them I swear they are praying for the surge to fail. From my perspective they are then rooting for the enemy, and to me, that reeks of treason.

Potential treasonous acts aside, I do not care to have anyone in a position of political power that cares about nothing more than themselves. It is true that we all naturally have an instinct towards self preservation, but not usually to this degree, and in such a petty self-serving way. Reid occasionally makes me feel ashamed to be a Nevadan. At least until I remember that I can vote, and that they aren't all like him.

I hope I am right in one thing. American's aren't as stupid as the current liberal Democratic Party thinks we are, and their days are numbered. I really hope I am right.


E and J said...

If you don't vote, you don't get to complain about the Politicians. At least that's what an ad in the UK used to say. It's right though... mostly. I will accept some people are unable to vote due to circumstances that day (I missed one as I was the other side of the world, for example). Although I should have got my parents to vote for me (there's a form or seven you can fill in to do that)

I also agree with what Churchill said; Democracy is the worst form of Government - except for all those we have already tried.

Ron Simpson said...

It is not that the Democrats want the surge to fail, or I should say, just the surge to fail. They have been orchestrating each and every failure the Bush administration has had. They want every one of his objectives to crash and burn. It is less about a clash of philosophy than it is about their simple hatred of Bush. It has blinded the left to any of the good that the president has done. The left refuses to aknowledge anything positive that Bush or his administration has done. They fight "on principle" that principle being "oppose Bush".

They care nothing for the country. They care nothing for the citizens. They care only about their power and continuing to remain in power.

There is no open, honest discourse. There is no compromise. There is no hope that the left will change.

I think that there will be a backlash against the Democrats eventually.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

That's true; I live in Britain, but the same thing applies. If you don't vote, you have no right to complain.