Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Can You Help?

I was traveling the web a few weeks ago, as I usually do, and saw a site that had a counter showing how many American's had been killed in Iraq since the onset of the war. All of you know that I am all for honoring our fallen heroes, but is this how it should be done? By reducing them to a statistic? I seriously hope not. I am sure that instead of honoring our fallen soldiers they were trying to use it as ploy to convince others that we should pull out of Iraq. It is wrong no matter how you look at it.

It did get me to thinking though. I think I need a counter on my page as well. One that shows how many terrorists have been killed, how many insurgents have been killed, and how many of each of those groups has been captured. Maybe even one for how many plots have been thwarted. Alas, after hours of searching since that day, I have not found any such counters. Do any of you know of a place I might have missed where I can find one that may be even close to what I am looking for?


Sarge Charlie said...

The libs have the death meter on their side bar, you do not need that but I would sure post a dead terrorist meter, fair and balanced.

Malinda777 said...

I would e-mail Texas Fred... He probably knows where a counter like that is...

Ron Simpson said...

how about a meter for terrorist attacks on US soils since 9-11?