Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Friday, May 4, 2007


This is going to sound really lame, but I am doing it anyway. My husband said that "spasmastic" is not a word. I know it isn't, but I just made it up, but he said it three times first, and so I have to publish about it first or he is going to sue me for some copyright infringement thingy.

Like I said it is lame, and I am adding it to my dictionary now so when he tells me to look it up I can.


Ok, I am now going back into reality. I swear.


E and J said...

It's not a word!

So there :P

Mrs Xoke said...

You better watch it mister or I am going to give away your alter-ego!

E and J said...

Dammit, does this mean I'm sleeping on the couch again tonight?

Mrs Xoke said...

No honey. I won't make you sleep on the couch, but I get to keep the word! It's mine, and it is the only thing I will ever invent! Let me have it damnit!