Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

[PPP] I Love Pay Per Post!

I have been pretty quiet about it lately, but I love Per Pay Post! Yes, it is a form of blog advertising, but you get to choose the type of advertisement, and the product being advertised! I love that I can blog about the things I want to try, have tried, or that I think might be useful to others, and make money at it at the same time. Why not, right? I am blogging anyway, so this arrangement works out quite well. It is because of this that I have always felt the best part about Pay Per Post is that it is fun and very rewarding at the same time.

I posted my first blog for Pay Per Post on March 10th, and have posted a total of 15 now, (not counting this one). Each post has only taken me 20 minutes to a half hour to accomplish, and I have made a total of $128.20 with about 7 and a half hour of blogging. That is just over $17.00 an hour. Not bad huh? I didn't think so. Before I started Pay Per Post I wasn't making anything after all.

No, I am not quitting my day job! I still couldn't afford to do that, but this can help with some extra cash flow though. It is perfect for someone like me who spends a lot of time blogging anyway, and can't afford to take a real vacation like I would like to do. Taking a week off work because you have to use the time or lose it, just to sit around the house doesn't count. I want to take a real vacation, like Hawaii, or even a cruise to Alaska. Heck, at this point I would love to be able to afford that gas to drive to North Dakota!

I am hoping to eventually accomplish a real vacation. I think I can accomplish this in a few years time, if not sooner. Sooner would be nice, but I wait for just the right opportunities to come up as I am very particular about what I will blog about. I won't take just any opportunity, and this does slow my process towards my goal a bit, but I couldn't sleep at night if I did it any other way. Thank goodness there are a lot of opportunities to choose from at Pay Per Post. I can afford to be picky.

You should give Pay Per Post a shot yourself. It has been a good decision for me, and it will probably work for you too. What do you have to lose?

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