Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Compare and Contrast

This is what their children watch on TV, and please remember, that the girls aren't even allowed to go to school.

This is what we show our children.

(Can you tell what that days letter was?)

The only way to look at this is, either they are doing something right, or we are doing something wrong. You see what we are up against? Indoctrination! Lack of a rounded education! I could tie this into yesterday's rant about what will have if the terrorists win this war, but you can read it for yourself.

Thank you Sarge Charlie for bringing this video to my attention.


Sarge Charlie said...

This is sad stuff. Thank you for your kind comment.

Malinda777 said...

WOW... that's something. It's no wonder that we are in the situation we're in. These poor kids have been taught this hatred for centuries.

The smallest children in these countries are just as dangerous as the adults!

discoriggall said...

Yeah, it´s sad. Er, but you should be careful about "one show equalling indoctrination".
Whaever your views, if you bring up your children "to be Christian", or any other religion, you are indoctrinating them. And not everything in the Bible is "good" (it suprised me to discover).
Of course that video is horrible, but you have to stop talking about "them and us", it´s divisive, and encourages to see other people not as humans, but as "less-than-humans".

Mrs Xoke said...

Watching the video will show you that what you caution me against is exactly what they do. They have made it "them" against the rest of the world for centuries. No, two wrongs do not make a right, but I do not strive to make them less than human, only to point out the wrong they have committed against the rest of the world, and what the rest of the world is up against. I know that all Muslims are not like this video portrays. The Muslims portrayed in this video, the Muslims that strive to earn their 42 virgins by "taking out" as many "infidels" as possible, are the ones that I refer to. I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to clarify that.

Regarding indoctrination, all teaching of any form is indoctrination, to one extent or another. In this form, it is closer to brainwashing. There isn't room for individual though of interpretation. In most religious teachings, and probably even in some Muslim mosques, room is left for individual thought. In most religions you are free to leave that faith without fearing for your life as well.

Whether everything in the Bible is "good" or not, is not relevant to this example. What is relevant is what humans do with the knowledge they gain, by whatever means they gain it, and no matter what the source. What is relevant is the actions of the people.

People read "Mein Kampf" all the time, but that doesn't mean they have to act on the information inside right? Reading the "Book of Mormon" doesn't make you Mormon. Reading the Bible doesn't make you Christian. Reading a Romance Novel doesn't make you a sex starved nymphomaniac. Instead, it is what you do with the information that you acquire through your reading, and how you act upon that newly gained information.