Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Amtrak Doesn't Like Diabetics! (UPDATED)

This story is just sad.

A 65-year-old St. Louis man is missing after Amtrak personnel, mistaking his diabetic shock for drunk and disorderly behavior, kicked him off a train in the middle of a national forest, according to police in Williams, Ariz.

The man has not been found. What a horrendous thing to have happen. It sickens me that Amtrak employees, or any human would do this. Maybe it was an honest misunderstanding, and I could understand why they would want an unruly passenger off a train, but this was a bit too much. An elderly man in the middle of the woods? I am hoping and praying for the best, but I fear the worst.

I sincerely hope that Amtrak makes this policy of leaving people in the middle of nowhere, one that disappears, and I strongly suggest that there is some informative training that starts taking place for Amtrak employees. I also think it wouldn't be a bad idea to see some disciplinary action take place.

More importantly, I just hope they find the man before it is too late.

Another article has this to say:

As far as Amtrak, officials tell me they followed the company policy and are not looking into this matter. Amtrak issued this statement late Thursday.

I think company policy needs to be revised a bit. You? Someone also needs to remind Amtrak that the "I was just following orders" defense never works.

The rest of that article is here.


Thank God! He was found alive after four says in the wilderness without food and water. He was severely dehydrated, barefoot, disoriented, and two miles from where he was left by Amtrak, but he is alive.

Amtrak is still standing behind their decision to boot the man from the train. I have never been a patron of Amtrak, but I don't think I will ever be now.


TexasFred said...

I posted this after I saw it here, I am angry beyond belief, but I did link back to you...

Great find, and thanks for posting it...

Ron Simpson said...

that is freaking evil

Anonymous said...

How dare they! That is outlandish beyond belief!

Would not someone as "drunk and disorderly", as they believed the man was, reek of alcohol?

What they should of done was contact emergency medical personal.