Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Ask Captain Dramatic

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Last week I opened up Ask Captain Dramatic to our readers. I actually got a few people who wanted to ask Captain Dramatic a question. Captain Dramatic and I were thrilled. This weeks question may come as a surprise, as there is no mention of bodily functions, but it is a very serious question all the same. I always try to keep Captain Dramatic very light hearted, but since this question comes from another child CD's age, I thought it very imporant to post.

This weeks question comes from Alina, who is seven and a half and living in Newberg, Oregon. She reads Captain Dramatic with her mother Maria. You can find Maria's blog here. Here is Alina's email to CD.

Hi my name is Alina and I have a question for you on a situation that happened to me. I had my coat stolen from a teacher who then gave it to another girl. I cried and tried to let the teachers know and the principal know that it was my coat, but it seemed that no one wanted to believe me. The fourth grader then took it home and I know for a fact because she rides my bus. When I got home I told my mom and dad what had happened. And they started to get thing taken care of. I got my coat back thanks to my mom and dad, but I am upset and do not know what to do. My parents want to change my school and I am in mix emotions. I like my school because of my friends, but I don't like the girl who stoled my coat, nor the grown ups who did not believe me. My mom says I will be able to see my friends even if I don't go to that school. She said my friend Brooklyn you will see because she is on your swim team, Brownies, and soccer, along with she just lives up the street. Mom says that I have a test at CSLA and that with the test I could go into third grade and skip second grade, but that is all up to how the test comes out. I think it would be cool to be in third grade if I made it, but I am also going to miss my friends and don't want to leave my old school because of my friends. What do you think I should do?

Captain Dramatic came up with some very good advice for Alina. I have written it in a narrative below as I had to ask a few questions to keep the answer flowing.

(After I read CD the letter, as he is out of town right now, and we did this over the phone.)

Me: So, what do you think?

CD: A teacher stole her jacket, and gave it to someone else?

Me: Yes.

CD: That is so stupid.

Me: I agree, but she wants to know if she should go to the other school like her parents think she should.

CD: I think she should go the other school because those teachers are dumb for stealing from a kid and not believing her.

Me: What about her friends? She is worried about having to leave them.

CD: She said she will see them at swim team, brownies, and soccer. They live near her too, so she will see them then. She's also going to make new friends at the new school.

Me: So she should listen to her mom and dad and go to the new school?

CD: Yep!

Me: You don't think her parents might be wrong? (Yes, I am playing devil's advocate here.)

CD: No. They are older than her and have probably been through it before. They know what to do. Duh!

Thank you Alina for your thought provoking email, and CD and I wish you the best. IT sounds like mom and dad have things under control now, but we are sorry you had a horrible teacher try and steal from you. I think it was a very good thing to go to your parents and ask for their help. Evidentially CD does too.

To learn how you can submit your questions to Captain Dramatic, click here.

1 comment:

Redneck Alien said...

Thank you CD for your advice on the schools. I have decided to go to CS Lewis. I have met some kids that will be in second grade with me. I met them at Vacation Bible School and they are really nice and fun to play with. I think I am going to have fun at CS Lewis. I will keep you posted when I start there to let you know how school is going. Right now I am having fun playing with my friends and being on the swim team and don't want to think about school much. Love you and hope you come visit we miss you alot.
Thank You again,
Free spirited speaks her mind