Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

A Tad Over-Simplified Perhaps

Watch the whole slip below:

My first reaction was one of my jaw dropping to the floor. I was just dumbfounded. I think this is over-simplifying the matter just a bit. I would love for this recent set of events in London to be this simple. Wouldn't we all? I have a suspicion though, that it isn't.

It was a major blunder at the very least. At worst, it could have been a test. From the time I heard about how badly botched, yet still discovered, this terror attempt was I have thought that perhaps the culprits were just testing the waters. If they were just testing the waters, they now know how long it would take for people to notice an abandoned vehicle. They now know how long it will take them to do something about it as well. They also did it in a country that is used to terrorism from the IRA, so they might also be able to make an educated guess as to how effective such an attack may be here in United States. My point is, we really don't know what they were actually going for.

My second thought as I watched this was regarding comments about fighting terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan before we have to fight them here. I think that maybe our efforts in those two countries to fight terrorism may be aggravating the situation at home to a small extent, but it also shows me how desperate terrorists are becoming. They are trying to strike back on the home turf of our allies who have also been active in the fight in an attempt to make us draw back and reassess the situation. True, we need to reassess the situation on the home front, but our efforts abroad have made the terrorists very nervous. Instead of drawing our forces down, we should keep up the good work, and up precautions at home as well.

That being said, do any of you wonder, as I did, why this man is a former CIA counter-terrorism agent? More importantly do you wonder why he is listed as former and not as retired maybe? I want a little more information as to how former he is, and how he became former. That would assist me in deciding just what authority he has to be saying what he is saying. After all, if he is a former counter-terrorism specialist, could it be that he former because he didn't take terrorism seriously when he should have been?

Also, he looks like he just got back from being roughed up in a bar brawl or spent too much time on a drunken bender...

Horrible aren't I?

1 comment:

Malinda777 said...

Yeah! AND...why don't we save money at the airport with all the "security for show" and start wondering about the guy in the inner city that suddenly purchases 5 freaking cans of gas and doesn't show up in a pickup full of quads & dirtbikes, and is Muslim?

When the same guy comes into Home Depot and buys 10 bags of nails, or every day for a week to buy one, why does no one wonder?

By the time they get to the airport, it's a little late...