Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Depraved Indifference

In my travels so far today there was a post up at the Blogway Boys, titled Depraved Indifference, that I had to share with all of you.

The news very seldom pisses me off to the extent that this little incident did. On June 23rd, as a stabbing victim lay bleeding to death on the floor of a Wichita, Kansas convenience store ... 5 shoppers stepped over her body and just kept shopping. To make matters worse, one of these fine citizens stopped to take a picture of the dying woman with his cell phone.

Please go read the whole thing.

I truly hope there is something legal that can be done to the five shoppers, and especially the one who took a picture. How horrible to be lying there dying with no one at least trying to help you in any way. People like this disgust me.


Paul Champagne said...

Thank you so much for your anger at the callousness of these idiots. It all starts with people caring about others ... I'm glad you are one of them.

Ron Simpson said...

vile. absolutely vile