Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

[PPP] The Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk

Alzheimer's is a disease most of us have heard of, and many of us have had touch our lives through a loved one of acquaintance. More than five million American's suffer from Alzheimer's directly, but many more millions of people have suffered by watching their loved ones slowly deteriorate.

It is a devastating disease that affects the brain by destroying neurons. Neurons are the nerve cells in your brain that pass the signals that enable the brain to form memories and thoughts. People suffering from Alzheimer’s are loosing these very important cells, and as the disease progresses, the brain tissue begins to deteriorate. Over time, the brain will shrink dramatically, and this, of course, affects nearly all of the brain's functions. In the advanced stages of Alzheimer's the cortex shrivels up damaging the areas in the brain that are responsible for thinking, planning, and remembering. The shrinkage is even greater in the area of the brain responsible for the forming of new memories.

Those suffering with Alzheimer's live an average of eight years, but the rate of the progression of Alzheimer's can vary greatly. It isn't uncommon for changes in a person's brain to begin 20 years or more before diagnosis.

The Alzheimer's Association is a resource to those who have been touched by Alzheimer's. They have local offices throughout the United States that offer community programs to help sufferers and their families. The have volumes of information to offer on diagnosis, treatment, and finding the proper medical care for those who suffer from Alzheimer's. There is also a 24 hour hotline offered by the Alzheimer's Association offering reliable information and support.

The Alzheimer's Association needs all of our help. Nothing in this world is free of course, and not even close to free when it ventures into the realm of medical care. The Alzheimer's Association in a non-profit organization and relies heavily of donations. From the donations they gather they spend 78 percent for research, care, support, awareness and advocacy. One of the many events they hold to raise funds and awareness is the Alzheimer's Association Memory Walk. It is the nation's largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer care, support and research. It is held annually cities and communities across the country. More than 600 in fact, and since 1989, Memory Walk has raised more than $225 million. I can't fathom a guess as to how far that will go in the grand scheme of things, but I can be fairly certain in saying that more is needed to continue providing research, care, and support levels needed.

By joining and participating in the Memory Walk you can help. A typical Memory Walk is 2-3 miles and usually held on a weekend morning in the fall. You can sign up now to participate or be a team captain. As a team captain, you will organize a team of your friends or co-workers and gather donations together to meet fundraising goals that your team has agreed upon. You will energize your team and encourage them to find others who will support this worthy cause. Team captains are vital to a successful Memory Walk, and there are numerous resources to aid you in helping your team reach their goals. Things are always more fun as a team, and more successful as well. Find a Memory Walk near you and sign up as team captain early!

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