Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

[PPP] Home Security

Home security is important to most everyone I know. Our homes are our sanctuaries, and the one place that we should always be safe. In this day and age, this isn't always the actuality. I know I have thought about home security on a number of occasions. Especially since I live in an apartment, and until recently was raising my son alone. Living in an apartment meant an alarm system was out of the question as the land lady wouldn't go for it. That is, until now.

The day has come that there are now reliable, portable, security systems. The one I like is LaserShield. It is easy to use, doesn't cost an arm and a leg, and comes with great features as well as monitoring 24/7. LaserShield plugs into a standard phone jack for the all day and all night monitoring, and a standard wall outlet with a low voltage transformer. It has a 24 hour panic button that works whether the system is engaged or not, and a keychain remote that also includes a panic feature. The system is fully expandable and portable, and has a battery back-up feature (rechargeable batteries) as well that warns you when the batteries in your keychain remotes need replacing. There are many other features as well, but my absolute favorite was the pet friendly feature.

LaserShield not only works in rental homes, apartments, and townhouses, but would also do the trick in dorm rooms, small retail stores, and offices. I wish I had one of these when I lived in the dorms. If I had I may not have had my cell phone stolen out of a locked dorm room, by someone on staff with a master key.

I strongly suggest you check LaserShield out for yourself. It is easy to do. You can visit them on-line or find them at stores such as The Home Depot, Comp USA, Kmart, Montgomery Wards, or Sears.

This is a sponsored post.

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