Still Think Roswell Never Happened?
I was pointed in the direction of a blog today that made me laugh and think all at the same time. It may just very well answer a number of questions.
I encourage all of you to visit the Blah Blah Blog, but I have tried to reconstruct it below for your viewing pleasure.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. It was just too great to pass up.

Albert Arnold Gore, Jr

Hillary Clinton

John F. Kerry

William Jefferson Clinton

Howard Dean

Nancy Pelosi

Dianne Feinstein

Charles E. Schumer

Barbara Boxer
I hope that this information has cleared up some things that have been troubling you.
Upon some further investigation it has been learned that this post was made all in fun as only one of these people was born in the right time frame. According to only Al Gore fits the criteria listed above.
This amusing bit of political humor first hit our inbox in August 2006, positing a connection between July 1947 events in Roswell, New Mexico (i.e., the alleged recovery of an alien spacecraft and its occupants) and the birth nine months later of several currently prominent Democrats.
At the risk of belaboring the obvious by deconstructing humor, we'll point out that the basic premise of the joke doesn't ring true. First of all, the normal human gestation period is about 38 weeks, so children conceived on or shortly after the date of the Roswell incident (8 July 1947) would most likely have been born (assuming ordinary, full-term pregnancies) in April 1948, not March. Secondly, only one of the political figures named was born even approximately nine months after the events as Roswell.
Five of the figures listed were born well before March 1948:
Dianne Feinstein (U.S. Senator, California): 22 June 1933
Nancy Pelosi (U.S. Representative, California): 26 March 1940
Barbara Boxer (U.S. Senator, California): 11 November 1940
John Kerry (U.S. Senator, Massachusetts): 11 December 1943
Bill Clinton (former U.S. President): 19 August 1946
Two more of the persons identified were born considerably later than nine months after Roswell:
Howard Dean (former Governor of Vermont): 17 November 1948
Charles E. Schumer (U.S. Senator, New York): 23 November 1950
Hillary Rodham Clinton (U.S. Senator, New York) was born on 26 October 1947, a mere three months after the Roswell incident.
Only Al Gore, Jr. (former U.S. Vice-President), who was born on 31 March 1948, came into the world at a time that reasonably fits into the framework of this humorous premise. Quite possibly this item started out as a joke specifically about him, and others later expanded it into a joke about Democrats in general.
1 comment:
Sunni, you are one thorough blogger!
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