Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Islam in the United Kingdom

Below you will find three videos that are parts of a Channel 4 Documentary from the United Kingdom called Dispatches. This particular documentary is on the Islamic Mosques in the United Kingdom. I was appalled at what I heard and saw. I would like to hope that this is not the norm for Muslims and the Islamic faith, and even it is isn't, it may be something we should all worry about anyway. It seems that these sects in the Muslim faith are trying to grow their numbers, and have probably been succeeding.

When you thought it couldn't get any worse...there is more.

It doesn't stop there either. Continue with the next video.

Can anyone else point out the gigantic flaws in the thought process of many of those doing the preaching? A few things came to my mind in the process of watching these videos. One, if you aren't happy with the form of government you live under, you could always move to a place you would be happy. Two, if you don't like democracy I could name at least three other places in this world that don't have it, and you could make a new life for yourself there. Three, I do not understand why people mock the form of government, and way life that enables them to be able to preach such garbage without fear of political or civil reprimand. Fourth, on their view of women...never mind, I am not even going to touch that one.

There were so many other thought processes I spotted that were so far out in left field. I think I have an easier time swallowing the stories told by people wearing tin foil hats to protect themselves from brain probes from outer space. Too bad this is a great deal more real.

I am just going to close by saying that your rights end, where mine begin.


E and J said...

Welcome to the UK!

What can I say, I hate where the UK is going (just read my blog for more details). Now you don't need to go to Pakistan for the Muslim schools for terrists, you can go to the UK for the training.

Very very bad and worrying.

Beaman said...

I agree with your worries. I am British and am very worried about the growing problem with radical Islam.
The problem stems from a government programme of multiculturalism where different minorities were encouraged to keep hold of their old lifestyles and practices whilst the majority were told to 'celebrate' diversity. A nice dream but one that's hitting us in the backside now. No problems with the Indian/Hindu/Sikh communities or any other except the Muslim one.
The Blair government is now realising and openly stating that 'multiculturalism' is flawed.
I think the American and French systems are best, where immigrants are encouraged to become 'Americans/French' first rather than just be dwellers with no connections with the society.
It's an interesting subject and very worrying indeed.