Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Monday, February 26, 2007


I am disgusted with Al Gore and his hypocritical Liberal Hollywood flunkies. Just disgusted. If any of them were half as concerned about the environment as they pretend to be, there would be more car pooling to the awards shows, more use of public transportation, and smaller houses that would consume less energy, which of course, is generated by the use of natural resources, that in some instances are not of the renewable nature. I don't see any of them driving a Prius, and according to a recently published article (which can be found here), Gore consumes more energy than a great deal of average Americans do in his home alone.

While I am on the topic of celebrities and and awards shows, and being throughly disgusted...

The Dixie Chicks and all of the recent awards they won were a joke. An even bigger joke was that they thought that is somehow meant something about how they are perceived by the American population as a whole, or that by winning the awards they had somehow obtained a form of retribution. From where I sit, they only thing I can see that their recent awards proved was that the higher up, liberal minded, hypocrites that comprise a "similar to Hollywood" industry, decided to try and make a political statement against the current administration by giving them awards for being country artists and writing country songs. At least that is the only reason that I can see they received them. What better way to do it. Give an award to the people who were the first to speak out against the current administration.

I have heard the CD (before you say it, no I didn't buy it. One of my co-workers did and I had to take a listen just to see what had changed since they swore they were going over to the pop genre after the reaction they received from country fans). They didn't get the award for talent. They aren't new, their music and their sound isn't new. Their attempt at leaving the country scene failed as they don't sound country, but they don't sound pop. They were used as pawns in a political statement made by the recording industry. I don't think that is retribution any way you look at it.

I am just disgusted...

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