Yeah! What she says!

Yeah! What she says!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Saturday's Super Site

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The site I chose for Saturday's Super Site this week is Badgers Forward.

As many of you know, I have found the main stream media far to biased in the wrong direction and completely unworthy of trust. That was one of the main reasons I began reading blogs. Milblogs became my favorite as what better way to gain knowledge about our men and women at war than from them.

Badgers Forward has become one of my favorite reads. The site offers perspective from both the soldiers side and a soldier's wife's side. There are tributes to the fallen and articles on supporting the mission. It is an amazing blog that is a wealth of truth and an example of great American spirit and will.

A Perfect example of why this has become one of my must reads is a post that was written on a soldier that was wounded in battle. The injured soldier was flown to Germany for treatment, and I was greatly touched by the phone call that was shared between the soldier and his commander when the commander had called him to check on his condition. I didn't leave Badgers Forward without tears that day. They were tears of pride for our troops, tears because our men and women are doing what they have to do because they believe in something greater.

When I read Badgers Forward I always leave with a since of pride. This blog helps me to see that our soldiers are the men and women who, when away from home, are still putting their best foot forward and showing the whole world what Americans really are. They are fighting the good fight. They are making the best of a bad situation. They are showing the world what Americans are, and they are the best America has. I am glad that they are the ones that Iraqis are learning from. I just couldn't think of a better group to convey to the world who and what we are as a people.

I don't think I am the only one who can learn something from Badgers Forward. I hope that you will visit. I know it will be an experience not easily forgotten.

Badgers Forward, Sir!

You can learn about how to nominate a site by clicking on the graphic above. I would love to start seeing some nominations.

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